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Robbie Wuitschick, the founder of Grants Pro LLC has 36 years of grant writing and management experience. She was raised on a homestead in Palmer Alaska and knows the value of hard work and perseverance. She grew up without running water, electricity, and indoor plumbing. Robbie has learned that hard circumstances and challenges create character and strength. Her and her family still live on the family homestead where they built a new home, although now they enjoy all of the utilities and technology available in this modern age.

Robbie has pulled together a strong team of professionals, who are technical writers, accountants, photographers, videographers, marketers, and researchers. They have over 100 years of accumulative business experience between them. We have seasoned grant writers and a mapping analyst on our team. Grants Pro LLC is owned and operated by Robbie and her family members. We have expanded our team to include additional technical writers and other experienced staff to keep us on the cutting edge of technology and research.

Along with writing grants, Robbie also prepares supportive documentation for grants, such as Transportation Improvement Plans, Benefit Cost Analysis-BCA’s, Environmental Assessment Reports, Resolutions, Support Letter samples, Assurances, NEEPA Reports, Cover Letters, Public Notices, Budgets, Narratives, and works with engineering firms to get quotes for Preliminary Engineering Reports on construction projects. Robbie’s favorite grant websites are, EDA, and the USDA website rdapply.

With our strong Grants Pro team, we can take on more grants and assist additional rural communities and non-profits around Alaska. It is exciting to be a Grant Writer in today’s market with all of the funding opportunities available, and to live in Alaska where so many of our small rural communities and non-profits are ready for growth and improvement. Grants Pro is here to help you with that growth.


  •  USDA Rural Development funding to provide a new water tank and water line extension in Anchor Point

  • Rasmuson Foundation grant to build a new facility for the Children’s Place in Wasilla

  • Health & Social Services funding for My House in Wasilla for an outreach specialist for homeless youth

  • Federal Emergency Management Administration - FEMA Hazard Mitigation grant for the City & Borough of Yakutat’s public safety building retrofit project

  • COP funding for Yakutat’s Police Department to hire three new police officers 

  • FEMA firefighter grant for personal protective equipment - PPE for the Yakutat Fire Department

  • Alaska Harbor & Facilities grant to replace Yakutat’s Small Boat Harbor

  • Mat-Su Health Foundation grant to help non-profits get air purifiers during the COVID-19 pandemic

  • State of Alaska DOT grants for Valley Mover which is now Valley Transit for subsidized travel between the Mat-Su Valley and Anchorage

  • A grant to fund Valley Mover adding a stop at the VA Hospital in Anchorage

  • Denali Commission grants to improve roads in Yakutat which include the purchase of heavy equipment for the project

  • Economic Development Administration (EDA) grant for the public restroom and laundromat facility in Yakutat

  • NOAA grant to remove marine debris from fifty miles of remote shoreline near Yakutat that has never been cleaned

  • America's Marine Highway program grant to extend Yakutat’s multi-purpose dock and build a new small boat harbor

  • Alaska Village Energy grant for new LED lighting in Yakutat

  • DOT Safe Streets & Roads for All 2022 & 2023 grants to repair the Max Italio Road in Yakutat

  • Community Transportation Program (CTP) grant for Max Italio Road in Yakutat


  • Economic Development Administration-EDA grant for Skeetawk, the Hatcher Pass Ski Area
    in Palmer, Alaska for a Training Facility/Day Lodge for educational purposes

  • USDA Grant for the Upper Susitna Senior Services to provide new housing units, an addition
    to their Senior Center, and a Cafeteria

  • Multimodal Program Discretionary Grant (MPDG) to help Yakutat receive a new Small Boat Harbor and repair the Max Italio Road. Request is $25M. This is a DOT grant. 

  • Denali Commission Grant for the City of Palmer to obtain a new Police Dept. Facility. 

  • ADEC State Revolving Loan for waterline extension to the airport in Yakutat.

  • Researching grants for a second chairlift at Skeetawk Hatcher Pass, a non-profit ski area.

  • Research for a USDA Rural Development grant to expand services for the Palmer Food Bank.

  • Rebuilding America's Infrastructure Stability and Equity (RAISE) DOT grant for Yakutat's transportation improvement project.

  • Grants Pro is excited to announce that the City & Borough of Yakutat received the Port Infrastructure Development Program-PIDP grant to build a new Small Boat Harbor in Yakutat. The award is for $8.9M and was announced Nov. 1, 2023. We submitted the grant in April of 2023. This project is a $12M project. We helped the City & Borough of Yakutat secure other funding for this project. Other grants for this project are: Denali Commission, Economic Development Administration-EDA, and State of Alaska Harbor & Facilities funding.

    We are proud to move Alaska forward with its grant needs.


 Robbie Wuitschick : Grant Writer & Business Development Manager.

"I grew up in Palmer, Alaska on a homestead. The adventures were endless.  I love going dip netting in Soldotna in the Summers with my family, and canning the salmon up for food storage. My life revolves around my family, whom I love.

I have been writing grants and in administration positions for thirty-five years. I started Grants Pro, LLC two years ago and have a strong team behind me. We are writing grants for many communities and non-profits around the State of Alaska. 

We recently submitted a Health & Human Services grant for CCS Early Learning, a non-profit head start program in the Mat Su Borough. With the new grant funding that is available at this time, we want to help Alaska move forward with needed projects. Dust off those projects and contact us with your grant needs."

 Cindy Mattingley: Grant Writer, business owner. 



"I am a long-time Alaskan; my family homesteaded in Ninilchik when I was very young. I lived many place in Alaska including Yakutat, Wrangell and Juneau to name a few. I spent approximately 40 years in the Palmer area and have lived the past 11 years up north toward Talkeetna.

I have been a business owner for eleven years; I retired from the Matanuska Susitna Borough School District after 23 years, working the last nine years as an Administrative Assistant. I have worked in recordkeeping and budgets for most of my adult life; I am currently working on the MY House Street Outreach Grant to help homeless youth.

My husband and I have been married for 43 years; my greatest treasure is my family. I enjoy being part of the team at Grants Pro, LLC where I can witness the positive impact additional funding can have on Alaskan communities helping them grow and develop. 

 Toni Miller: Grant Writer, business owner.




"Having grown up in Palmer, I came back as an adult and love raising my family here! I have 5 boys and a little girl - they bring me so much joy! I have lots of hobbies and I love trying and learning new things. I also love to travel! I coach youth basketball and have been a business owner for many years. I'm excited to be a part of the Grants Pro team and I am currently working on a DOT Safe Streets and Roads for All-SS4A grant for the City & Borough of Yakutat to repair the Max Italio Road, and working on the EDA Skeetawk grant for a new Training Facility in the Hatcher Pass Ski Area."

Laci Mattingley: Grant Writer, business owner.



"Born in Palmer and raised in the Copper River Valley, I’ve lived in Alaska all my life. After graduating from high school, I found my adoring husband, a life-long Alaskan residing in Palmer. After a few years of building a successful company together in the MatSu Valley and adopting our two lovely boys I began to see a need in the communities around me. This led to the formation of a non-profit that I’ve been blessed to operate as the CEO. 


With that experience and others, I’ve transitioned into the world of grant writing. I’m passionate about empowering the helpless and equipping them with the tools they need to thrive. I recently worked on the Health & Human Services grant for MY House, the homeless youth services in Wasilla, and starting the USDA grant for the Upper Susitna Senior Services for an 8-Plex in Talkeetna."

Lanisha Wuitschick: Grant Writer, Media & Marketing Manager. 



“Being born and raised in Palmer Alaska makes me feel overwhelmingly blessed as I get to enjoy nature in its finest form and all that this rugged terrain has to offer. As a recent graduate from Brigham Young University - Idaho, I have gained valuable skills in the media and marketing world. Currently, I work for the University of Alaska Anchorage as a Communications specialist.


I’m excited to offer my service to Grants Pro, doing what I do best: media, website design, marketing and writing. Though I’m new to grant writing, I feel happy to be learning such a helpful and charitable skill. Currently, I am the Vice President of a local nonprofit and I’m working towards my Masters in Public Administration starting fall 2023. I look forward to being a public servant and building my community in Alaska.”

Marcus Wuitschick: Grant Writer, Mapping Expert. 



"I grew up in Alaska and love the outdoors. I am very adventurous and spend much of my extra time kayaking and hiking with my buddies, and gold dredging with my dad. I recently visited the Philippines with my brother and had an amazing trip. I bought land on our family homestead and will build a home on it soon. 

I am happy to be part of the Grants Pro team and have been using the mapping tools provided by each funding source to show the project location, the communities historically disadvantaged and persistent poverty status, and population. The grant that I am currently working on is the Yakutats Safe Streets & Roads for All-SS4A DOT grant to repair the Max Italio Road."

  Holly Thistle: Grant Writer, Medical Records Administrator 

"Hello, my name is Holly Thistle, I was born and raised in Big Lake, Alaska. I am happily
married and have three wonderful sons. I grew up living a subsistence lifestyle hunting for
moose, camping, berry picking, and commercial fishing for salmon out of Cook Inlet.
I have a background in IT working at local telecommunications companies and transitioned
working in administration, scheduling, and medical records department for a cardiac office for
nearly a decade. Working in the healthcare field I have been exposed to the needs of many people and communities throughout the state.

I am new to grant writing and very passionate about making a difference. When I was
approached to join Grants Pro LLC, I was truly excited for the opportunity to use my skill set to help obtain grants making improvements throughout Alaskan communities, helping our residents be even more successful and thrive in the great AK. 

I have recently worked on a grant for building a new Small Boat Harbor in Yakutat, and an EMT
SAMHSA grant to train Police Officers, Firefighters, Search &; Rescue, and EMT’s, and look
forward to working on many more grants."

     Paula Pettijohn: Grant Writer, Entrepreneur. 



"I was born and raised in Anchorage, Alaska. Our family has lived in the Mat-Su Valley since 1979, where we raised 6 amazing, self-sufficient children. I have been a small business owner and enjoy people and photography. My husband and I have been therapeutic foster parents which was our doorway into the nonprofit world.

Foster care has made me aware and passionate about all the services that are needed for citizens of our state. Although I am new to grant writing, I look forward to being an instrument to help nonprofits obtain funding they need to better serve and improve the communities we live in."

 Diane Bettis: Grant Writer, Accountant. 



"Hi I am Diane Bettis. I have lived in Palmer for 33 years and in Wasilla for four years. I
have five grown children and 10 grand children. All but one child and three grandchildren also live in Alaska. I graduated from Wasilla High School in 1976, moved away for a few years then moved back. I worked for the school district as a sub while my children were in school and especially love
working in the special ed department. I have owned several businesses and have worked primarily in the accounting department. I am a numbers person.

I am excited about working for Grants Pro and being able to help people who need some
assistance in growing or improving their business or community."

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